Engine 91 is a 2006 American LaFrance Eagle Tanker/Pumper. The unit was dedicated to the department's first president and founding member Donald M. Graham when it was placed in service on October 29, 2006.
Engine 92 is a 2012 Pierce Arrow XT Pumper. It is powered by a Detroit Diesel DD13 500 horsepower engne and an Allison six speed transmission. The vehicle was housed in the state during a ceremony on Sunday, October 28, 2012.
Tanker 9 is a 1996 Freightliner unit with a two person air conditioned cab powered by a Detroit 60 series 400 horsepower diesel engine with a 5 speed Allison Automatic Transmission. The unit was dedicated to former UCVFD Fire Chief David M. Brinkley after he died in the line of duty in 1998.
Brush 9 is a 2000 Ford F-350. It is powered by a 7.3 liter diesel engine. The truck is outfitted with an array of hand tools, wild land firefighting equipment, and emergency medical supplies.
Boat 9 is a MetalCraft Marine Fire Rescue-28 all aluminum fire boat. When placed in service, the unit was dedicated to long time UCVFD Treasurer Charles “Buck” Ferrin.
Chief 9 is a 2012 Chevrolet Colorado LT operated by the Fire Chief of the United Communities VFD. It is powered by a V6 gasoline engine and outfitted with four wheel drive capabilities.