Unit: Fire Boat 9
Year: 2009
Model: MetalCraft
Specifications: Boat 9 is a MetalCraft Marine Fire Rescue-28 all aluminum fire boat constructed in Clayton, New York in 2009 with a double wall thickness hull for ice rescue operations. It is powered by two Evinrude 250 horsepower outboard engines with a 100 gallon gasoline fuel tank. The fire pump is a 1250 gallon per minute Darley powered by a 4.3 liter Mercury gasoline engine which supplies several hundred feet of attack lines. . Permanently mounted are two Elkhart Stingray monitors, one on the pilot house roof and another on the back transom. The heated and air conditioned pilot house hosts an array of navigational and communications equipment along with an assortment of tools and water rescue items, including two self-contained breathing apparatus. Electrical power is provided through a 5000 watt Honda Generator and a 30 amp shore line. When placed in service, the unit was dedicated to long time UCVFD Treasurer Charles “Buck” Ferrin.