Unit: Engine 91
Year: 2006
Model: American LaFrance Eagle Tanker/Pumper
Specifications: Engine 91 is a 2006 American LaFrance Eagle Pumper powered by a Detroit Series 60 diesel engine rated at 515 horsepower with a 4000EDS five speed Alison Automatic Transmission. The unit features a six person air conditioned cab with a raised cab over the crew compartment constructed with an all stainless steel body. The pump is a Hale 2000 gallon per minute device with a 2000 gallon poly tank and a 15 kw Harrison PTO driven generator is mounted on the top of the rig. It has an automatic chain system, extended front bumper and a 6″ front intake. It is equipped with 1000 of 3″ hose and 1200 feet of 5″ LDH, three crosslays, a front bumper trash line and a prepiped deck gun. The unit also carries a complete Homatro rescue system along with a complete line of small tools and equipment. When the unit was placed in service on October 29, 2006 the unit was dedicated to the department’s first president and founding member Donald M. Graham.