UCVFD Hosts Annual Halloween Open House
Members of the United Communities Volunteer Fire Department hosted its Annual Halloween Open House on a cold and rainy day. Despite the weather, many people showed up for a day of fun, learning, costumes and more. The turnout was fantastic as were all the great costumes, congratulations to our winners. Take a look at a few of the pictures from our Halloween Open House below and see the full gallery from Open House.
During the open house, UCVFD had a “fill the boot” set up for the family of 12-year-old Jake Sloan, the MMS student from our community that was tragically killed last weekend in a motor vehicle accident. The generosity of the community was nothing short of amazing and touched us so deeply that both the UCVFD as well as its Auxiliary department have pledged to match the donation amount and send it to the Sloan family. We would like to send a heartfelt thank you to all that donated and really showed what it is to be a “united community”. #ucgoesredforjake