Get To Know Your Local Fire Department
On behalf of the membership of the United Communities Volunteer Fire Department (UCVFD), President Ron Siarnicki, and Fire Chief Chris Tona, we would like to invite all local Home Owners Associations in our “first due” area to a “Get To Know Your Local Fire Department” meeting.
The meeting will be held in the Engine and Ambulance Bay of the firehouse (9405 Romancoke Road, Stevensville, MD 21666) on Tuesday, April 27th at 7:00 pm.
We are inviting all local Home Owners Associations in our “first due” area to discuss a variety of topics such as notifications of hazardous conditions (hurricanes, tornados, flooding, etc), how we can keep in better touch with our local community leaders, and much more!
We want to make sure we are supporting our local communities as best as we can. We encourage you to join us, and if you cannot be there yourself, to send a representative in your place!
Please contact Peggy Falk (443-262-2317 | peggyfalk@atlanticbb.net) to let her know who will be attending
We look forward to meeting with you!
First due: Refers the area in which a fire company is expected to be the first to arrive on a fire scene!